Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why I'm Adding Elixer to My Deck...Like Now

I don't know about you but I have a whole new appreciation for Elixer of Immortality and its not even in my deck...but its about to be. My friend and I often play EDH, its really the only format I get a chance to play anymore because I don't play at standard events, I also no longer have a casual deck put together anymore. Now, when we play EDH, we generally only have 15-30 minute games. When it comes to EDH, those are short games from what I've seen. However, we have played this format together so many times that we can pretty much tell when a game is over or when our decks have just decided they are done with us for the day. Today, that was not the case...
I was playing my mono-black deck with the commander Endrek, the Master-Breeder which I rarely cast unless I manage to draw a lot of creatures. You may be shocked by this statement but...I don't play a lot of creatures. I know, completely surprising given the fact that I play black. Instead my deck is filled with kill spells and...well, that's kinda it really. I just like killing things, its just what black does. He was playing his newly constructed green, white, and black deck with Teneb, the Harvester as his commander. 
Here's our boards about an hour and a half into the game...
...also about thirty seconds before he killed me. But that's beside the point. As you can see, we have a lot going on right there. Also, sorry for the glare on my cards. I use the silver dragon sleeves that apparently hate the camera flash. He had about ten cards left in his deck and I had twenty-five. I should also include the fact that we were playing blitz which makes the fact that the game lasted so long seriously impressive to me.
So this bastard throws down Elixer and I realized that it was pretty much game over for me because, even if he managed to deck himself...he could just shuffle his graveyard back into his library. Granted, I had exiled about fifty cards out of it but still, that would give him a lot of turns to take me out while I ran out of cards without being able to do a damn thing about it.
I have been considering adding Elixer into my deck as I make changes and this just sealed the deal to me, I need a way to shuffle my graveyard back into my library if something like this happens to me again. I don't want to be stuck decking myself to a failure when I actually have a good game going.
Guess its time to go on the hunt for new cards because my deck needs some serious updates. I've found that if I can easily discard something in a game without even probably shouldn't be in my deck to begin with. Each card really should have a purpose, especially when they are each hand-picked for your EDH deck.
Love ya guys.

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