Monday, June 2, 2014

Woe to the Magic Girls

I mean the game obviously, but I get girls in fantasy magic get the short end of the stick to..those barely there costumes don't protect against much at all. As a female, I feel uncomfortable in the world of Magic: The Gathering. I have been to one pre-release and, unless things suddenly change, I probably won't ever go to another. I don't know about you but I don't like being hit on and told I have no place playing the game all in one breathe. I also don't like being discriminated against JUST because I'm a girl. But maybe that's just me. Personally I don't like feeling like I don't belong around other people who enjoy a card game just as much as I do. I would love to show up at an FNM and be treated just like every other player there, even if I am the only female in the room. That's often the case when I walk into my local comic shop anyways. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with being the only girl in a room but when people treat me differently just because I am a girl is where things start getting a bit dicey.
Yes, I love playing Magic: The Gathering.
Yes, I loathe playing in public areas.
Those two statements REALLY shouldn't have to go together. I mean, honestly guys, is it really that difficult to treat me like the guys you play against? Its not like I'm trying to use my - lack of - female wiles to win the game. I have built my deck how I like it and have practiced so that I can execute strategies in a way that will allow me to win...granted I don't get mana-screwed. But that's a topic for another day. Honestly, I'm not trying to get anywhere by being a girl in a male-dominated game, I just want to have fun and play the game like every other person.
If you are a guy who treats girls differently because of their gender, you really need to re-think your life. Especially in game-oriented situations. I mean, seriously, the slutty Liliana jokes have got to stop. If you are a guy who treats girls like any other person, thank you and I love you. Please never stop doing that because you are the kind of people who make the game worth playing.
Love ya.

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