Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Addicted to Deck Building

We already have five EDH decks between us but I guess that just wasn't enough...we are already plotting out the next one. This time we are going with Mayael the Anima, its the kind of deck that neither of us have played before. Plus, we can't stop building! Honestly, it become my favorite part of magic in some aspects. I love finding the perfect cards to fit together, those little uncommon combos. Just searching through thousands of cards to find the right ones for your deck. Sure, I still enjoy the game or I wouldn't bother investing money in it at all. Deckbuilding though...there's nothing else like it.
Here's the tally of our decks so far:
1) Izzet: mid-range, control; commander is either Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind or Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius (he switches between the two depending on how he feels like playing). Its certainly not my favorite deck, its actually my least favorite to play because of how complicated it. I don't mind having to do a lot of thinking while playing, otherwise I wouldn't bother with MTG in the first place. But he has made that deck complicated for the sheer purpose of challenging himself and I ain't about that life.
2) Mono-black: mid-range, control; commander is Endrek, the Master-Breeder. It hurts me to actually admit that my baby is control because I think that's one of the dirtiest words in magic but I'm finally coming to terms with it. I have between 20-30 kill spells, I think its time to start accepting that its basically as bad as blue control.
3) Selesnya: mid-range, token based; commander is Trostani, Selesnya's Voice. When I first started playing EDH, this was the deck that I was matched up against the most and with how much life it gains, I hated it. We had a standing rule that if he got over a hundred life, I scooped. It was almost impossible to knock him down, my kill spells couldn't keep up with the amount of tokens he was producing. Now its one of my favorite decks to play because its so much fun to put 13 kitty-cats on the battlefield with White-Sun Zenith (I totally did that today...multiple times).
4) Golgari: mid-range, scavenge; commander is Varolz, the Scar-Striped. Not a super big fan of this deck but he absolutely loves it. I just don't like the scavenge mechanic that much but it might just take some getting used to. I also used to avoid artifacts like the plague and now my decks are chalk-full of them. It definitely does its job and gets Varolz big and scary, then throws some trample on him and steamrolls anything I throw in his way. Despite my dislike of it, I can't say its not a good deck; it does what its supposed to.
5) Five-color: mid-range; commander is Cromat. Affectionally called "fun stuff" when we first started building it because we threw a lot of things we loved into it. Theres three out of the five titans, all the good cascade cards (one of my favorite mechanics), and Chromanticore just to name a few. This is the deck that we have spent the most time on recently, trying to get it league ready. Its by far my favorite, surpassing my first EDH deck which will always hold a fond place in my heart...
There are a lot more decks to come in EDH for us, I'm sure of it. We just enjoy the format too much and deckbuilding for it is like letting a little kid into a candy shop. One of the reasons I dislike standard, and even casual play, is that the pool of cards can be so limited. I like playing cards from all different sets. The mixture of old and new into creating something makes it so much more fun to play, throwing things together that were never intended to be played in the same deck. EDH is just a fantastic format and I'm very much looking forward to the league that my local shop is hosting next month.
What's your favorite format? Who is your favorite general for EDH? Any suggestions for me to make any of our EDH decks better?
Love ya guys.

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