Monday, July 28, 2014

Why I Deactivated

I don't know about you but I have always had a love-hate relationship with facebook. There's been a few times where I've deactivated or just made a new account - before their security options were decent. This time, it feels more permanent but who knows? It could last 2 hours or 2 years, only time will tell. I just did not feel the need to have the account anyways. I never read anyones posts and the only stuff I post comes from timehop so that seems kinda dumb. I never thought I would see this image.

Recently, I have started to try and simplify my life. Sure, facebook does not really complicate it but not having an account for thirty minutes and I already feel a little bit better about myself. Here's why:

  • now I can't compare myself to all those pretty girls I'm friends with and can be motivated by own goals instead of trying to look/be like them
  • no more pointless updates on people's lives that I stopped caring about 2 years ago
  • I can keep in contact with my real friends by texting them or talking on skype, facebook was just an unnecessary middle man honestly
  • maybe now I can stop using some apps as time wasters...who am I kidding? I'm still gonna spend every free second on my break scrolling through twitter
  • NO MORE POINTLESS LIFE UPDATES...I do not really think I can stress that one enough
We have gotten to a point in our world where we are so focused on other people's lives and trying to compete with them by posting better pictures or better statuses or just better anything.
Newsflash: LIFE IS NOT A COMPETITION. And frankly, I am sick and tired of being forced to feel like it is.
I want to live my life how I want to, not because I am motivated to get healthy because all my "friends" are model-thin and gorgeous...but because I really want to be healthy and feel better about myself. Honestly, its cliche but who cares what anyone else thinks about you? So what if you can not see all the pictures from your friend's sister's best-friend's brother's wedding? Did you really care in the first place? Or are you trying to seem like more than you are?
By focusing so much attention on facebook "friends" and likes...we forget to give our real friends - you know, the one's that will really be there if thinks get bad - the attention they deserve. Friendships do not stick because you guys are friends on facebook, they do because you put time and effort into maintaining it.
This post went off on a tangent that I did not intend but I am honestly happy with what I am putting out there. Facebook really was a pointless time suck for me. I felt obligated to be friends with certain people just because I knew them in real life - that place where you step from behind the computer screen - or I worked with them or I went to high school/college with them. But they did not really matter to me, I did not care about their posts. I could probably count on one hand how many of my friend's posts actually mattered to me. Confession time: I usually ignore my mother's posts on there because they are pointless life updates and one-ups to the other parents she is friends with. Facebook turns life into a competition for me and that's not okay. Maybe its different for you, I really hope it is, because at one point in time...I really enjoy facebook and interacting with people that way. But I guess I am not the same person I was four years ago or even two weeks ago. I am thankful for those changes though. This is just step one on my journey to simplify my life and really figure out what matters to me in life.
Love ya guys.

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